Monday, May 21, 2012

healthy living

Lettuce from today's farmer's market trip - I found this tip on Pinterest where you wash and cut your lettuce, then put it in mason jars, and it lasts twice as long. It actually works!

With all the stress from my job and the craziness that surrounded that time, I found myself turning to food and laziness in order to "fix" my problems. I had no issue with eating a bag of potato chips, a few cookies, a large Coke, a cheeseburger, and fries...all in one day. I felt a little helpless, and thought it would be too much of a challenge to live healthy while I was going through so much.

I was wrong.

Not only did I feel horrible about myself and my growing waistline, but I felt sluggish, tired, and lacked any energy. It makes sense though - I had no energy because I wasn't giving my body the right fuel to power it through the day. I was giving it what my taste buds wanted, but not what the inside of me wanted or needed.

I have a friend who has been working tirelessly on her health since New Year's, and I've noticed such a difference in her. She is healthy. She has also lost weight (which is an awesome side effect!), but I can tell from the outside that her inside is happier and healthier. She is just one example I have in my life of someone who takes the time to nurture and take care of her body.

I've been taught and I know that the Lord gave us these bodies to take care of here on earth, and that we will be held accountable for what we did with this gift. Sometimes that can be quite a sobering thought.

I am fortunate not to have any physical ailments or things that hold me back - other than myself and my tendency to be a bit lazy in this area. I have felt prompted over and over to live a healthy lifestyle, and take control of this gift that Heavenly Father has given just to me.

I know it's going to be hard, and I'll definitely need to take baby steps.

Today, I went on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then went to the farmer's market and bought a cartload of fruits and vegetables (all for $14, btw...I LOVE that place!). I've made progress today, and I hope to continue that, because I really feel like this is something I need in my life.

I've already had more energy, felt my mood lift, and worked out some of the anxiety inside of me. Just think what could happen in a week? A month? A year?!

I'm excited to start, and would love to hear any suggestions, ideas, recipes, workout tips, etc. 

xoxo, Neelam

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